Should we talk about Operations Management (MOM) or MES ?

Differences and common points between MES and MOM - Complementarity between MOM solutions and Visiativ PLM solutions - Operations management functionalities (MOM)

Differences or commonalities between MES and MOM


According to each person, opinions differ on the distinction between MOM and MES. Some say it’s the same thing, others that these two terms have different aspects, and others that the MES as a subset of MOM … to each its definition …


The term MOM appeared after the term of MES (Manufacturing Execution System) and it means “Manufacturing Operation Management”, resulting in the management of production operations.


Appeared in the 80s, MES ensures a quality of manufacture, by collecting the production data in real time. All this information collected makes it possible to optimize production activities from product creation to final production.


While Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) provides a larger product solution, the MES focuses on production with specialized software solutions. The MOM takes into account the new dimensions of the company: quality, traceability, maintenance, … and it is supposed to cover the ISA-95 architecture (level 3). The market for these MOM / MES solutions continues to grow with a wide range of systems. The ability to connect to other software brings a more global approach. The PLM solution helps support the strategic evolution of the company, facilitate the flow of information, processes, … and thus to offer a competitive advantage.


These two concepts in a very common point, their functionalities for reliability and monitoring of production. The deployment of these tools in a process of continuous improvement and participates in the convergence of companies towards the factory 4.0.

And Visiativ solutions in all that?


There is no doubt that there is a real complementarity between MOM solutions and PLM solutions, an integral part of the ISA-95 (level 4) standard. The flow of information to be exchanged is important: the different production operations, the BOM produced, the production data, …


Through its solutions, Visiativ PLM offers a management of manufacturing operations that supports companies towards sustainable operational excellence. It is important for each company to have visibility on all the processes of their production sites. For this, it is necessary to benefit from a precise control of their workshops and to be able to follow all manufacturing operations in real time.

Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) features with Visiativ PLM


The big features of the MOM Visiativ solution :


    • BOM management
    • Creation/edition/duplication of range headers
    • Creation of objects related to tooling operations, operating modes, instruction sheets, workstations …
    • File attachments to objects: 2D/3D plans, …
    • Ability to export data in Word™, Excel™, OpenOffice, HTML and PDF formats or directly into an ERP


Thanks to a joint functioning between the MOM and PLM solutions, customers benefit from the most complete and the most optimal solution integrated around the same « bus » of data :


    • Allow continuous improvement with reporting tools
    • Identify and deploy best practices by capitalizing on previous practices, previous operations,



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